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My story: 3000 years of refining energy

date:2024-06-27 16:12visits:27

The Story of 3000 Years of Refining Qi

Bai Qiuran, he had finally reached the sixth level of Qi Refining Stage 6,664.

Three thousand years ago, the supreme genius, Bach Thu Nhien, was adopted by the founder of the Qingming Sword Sect, Thanh Minh Dao Nhan as a disciple, and began to cultivate the first path.

Three thousand years later, Bach Thu Nhien, the true master of Thanh Minh Dao Nhan, ascended to Tien, the great eldest brother Do Kiep failed to become a martyr, even the youngest and youngest brother and sister of six generations Truc Co did it. assemble the sword and mg rummyonte the wind.

But after three thousand years of asceticism, Bai Thuran finally reached the sixth stage of Qi refining level 6,000,664.

Plot :

Part 1: The Reincarnation of Long Ge Hanh - Chapters 1-20

Parte 2: My Shadow Love Tung - Capítulo 1-33

Part 3: Earth Immortal Ancient Citadel - Chapter 1-29

Part 4: Tri Tien Cavern - Chapter 1 - 30

Part 5: Demon Emperor - Chapter 1-32

Part 6: Angel of Glory - Chapter 1-39

Part 7: Continuity of Tan Hoa - Chapter 1-29

Part 8: Asura Dao - Chapter 1- 40

Chapter 9: Demons - Chapters 1-30

Part 10: Flaw of Emperor Thien Trong Toa Immortal Emperor - Chapter 1-50

Part 11: The Demons' Dominion of Conscience -- Chapter 1 ---- Chapter 138

Part 12: Awakening Alma --Chapter 1---- Chapter 57.

Part 13: Void of the Chong Dynasty --- chapter 1 --- continues.


(҂`_´) -Pèng Super Dimension Guild

҉ – --- Previous Login: Journey to the West Guerra Ky

_/﹋_ ------- Three Thousand Years of Qi Refinement

I wish you have a happy time reading Ta 3000 Years of Qi Purification!

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